martes, 30 de noviembre de 2010

lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010

DC Pro Team, Chile 2010

Sydney Sunny Day

Un día de sol en el Bicycle Film Festival de Sydney.
Feria, Arte y Bike Polo.


Via The Sartorialist.

Upper First

Upper First es una empresa que se dedica a la producción de videos, efectos visuales y dirección de arte. 

domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010

Brian M. Viveros, Ilustrador

Laurent Nivalle, fotógrafo

Asia & Adrien

Asia Argento & Adrien Brody.
Vogue Italy
Photos: Peter Lindbergh

Street Art

Some amazing things are happening in Lisbon; this wall is just incredible, and Sam3 is getting in on the action too. Of course, Blu's bloated corporate figure sucking the world dry is very topical. 

Update: the eyes of the fat corporate guy are suspended from the roof, so move in the wind. so good.

See more Blu + more Os Gémeos.

artists: Blu + Os Gémeos
location: Lisbon

Shell House

by Kotaro Ide


viernes, 26 de noviembre de 2010

Psycho Beach Party Gold Sprints

Fiesta en el Bicycle Film Festival 2010.
No se si es lo ideal para una fiesta, pero al menos lo es para ejercitarse.

Music: Does it offend you, Yeah? - Attack of the 60 feat Lesbian Octopus

Broadway Bombing 2010

Broadway Bombieng happens almost every year in NYC. 
A competitive race in the streets of New York downtown, where you have to avoid cars, trucks, red lights and everything that appears.

Cassius, I Love You So

jueves, 25 de noviembre de 2010

Hey, you.


The style of Music.

Anarchy in the UK

Custom Motorcycles

Cracks in the pavement underneath my shoe
I care less and less about and less about you
No one else around to look at me
So I can look at my shadow as much as I please

All the kicks that I can't compare to
Making friends like you're all supposed to

You will never come close to how I feell

Space around me where my soul can breathe
I've got body that my mind can leave
Nothing else matters, I don't care what I miss
Company's okay
Solitude is bliss

Let's Race

Choose your weapon

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

NYC Lights

Video que solamente utiliza las luces de las calles de New York, y la música de Gorillaz y su tema On Melancholy Hills de su último disco.
Shot on Canon 5D II and Canon 40D. Finished after effects.

Mr. Incredible

martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010


I don't know how to do it with the Chilean flag yet. But I will.

Floating down the River

Sleigh Bells - Infinity Guitars

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010

viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2010

A Book of Boobs in 3D

"The temptation was to write a long piece justifying our creation of 3DD. We could have thrown in some academic analysis on the prominent role of the nude in the history of art and elaborate on the ways that 3DD advances that canon. We might have pointed out that the beautiful images of natural breasts in all shapes and sizes are a wonderful celebration of real women in all their glory. Or we could have reveled in the universal truth that looking and talking about boobs is just a lot of fun.
But that would be to complicate something that can be said in four words.